Hydrogen as a future fuel 

One-weeks Certificate Program 

Climate ChangeClimate change is a serious issue

Climate change is a serious issue becoming increasingly evident to much of the population. Rising CO2 levels have directly contributed to the global warming phenomenon.

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. Its goal is to limit global warming to well below 2 deg C, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels.

To achieve this long-term temperature goal, countries aim to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible to achieve a climate neutral world by mid-century.

Our Transformational Courses

Transform Yourself with hydrogen in just 1 Week

Our flagship course deals with the ability to upgrade your knowledge. Which will contribute to enhance your knowledge and upgrade you to the next level

Course on the Go

Struggling with long working hours? Have got no time for your self. IESD provides 100% Audio Visual Courses which you do while working or enjoying tea at home.

Online Sessions as per your convenience 

Hydrogen offers ways to decarbonize a range of sectors and can produce, store, move and use energy in different ways. This is in contrast to fossil fuels, which are limited in their use and emit the bulk of today’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Much work is in progress to initiate a shift from a fossil-fuel economy to a hydrogen economy.

Hydrogen is an energy carrier that can be produced and converted into energy through a variety of ways. Hydrogen storage and transport is a critical issue involving intense research. The problem is the low density of hydrogen gas.

We welcome you

IESD invites enrollment  in the Certificate Program  in Hydrogen as a Future Fuel.

The course provides insight into Hydrogen as future energy source, future of the Hydrogen Industry and upcoming and future job opportunities

The program covers the hydrogen technology, production, Storage, transportation and hydrogen energy mission of India.

What we cover in this course?

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